
熱門關(guān)鍵詞:B-100AP LUYOR-3415RG


作者:時間:2021-12-10 09:58:38瀏覽5857 次


第20屆國際植物學(xué)大會將于2024年7月21-27在西班牙馬德里舉辦。    We are delighted and deeply honored to announce that the next International Botanical Congress ―the 20th IBC— will take place in Madrid (Spain) on the following dates:

? Nomenclature Section, 15–19 July 2024

? Congress, 21–27 July 2024


Dear colleagues,

We are delighted and deeply honored to announce that the next International Botanical Congress ―the 20th IBC— will take place in Madrid (Spain) on the following dates:

? Nomenclature Section, 15–19 July 2024

? Congress, 21–27 July 2024

The IBC takes place every six years under the supervision of the International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS). The 20th was scheduled to take place in 2023 in Brazil after Shenzhen’s (China) 2017. Unfortunately, the difficult situation caused by the worldwide pandemic has made impossible to organize this big event in Brazil in 2023.


Rooted in the tradition of Systematic Botany, the IBCs have enlarged their scope over more than a century to become an integrated forum for knowledge on the plant and mycological world. Please take a look at the broad scope of topics that we hope to include in this upcoming IBC in this site.

The Congress will include plenary lectures, concurrent symposia ―for which we will ask for proposals in Spring 2022—, posters, exhibitors, as well as short courses and workshops.

We wholeheartedly invite all the botanical community worldwide to come to participate in the 20th IBC and enjoy, in Madrid, the privilege of sharing research, knowledge and experiences with colleagues and friends from all over the planet. We will make efforts to provide the best environment for such a thrilling experience.

A suite of post-meeting excursions will be offered for attendees to visit places of botanical and cultural interest. See the preliminary list in this site.

We look forward to seeing you all in Madrid in July 2024.

Kind regards,

The Organizing Committee of the 20th IBC

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Located in its current location since 1991, Recinto Ferial has 240,000 m2 distributed along 13 halls, 85 rooms, 2 convention centres and outdoor areas.

The North Convention Centre has an auditorium for 1,100 people and 18 additional rooms; the South Convention Centre offers another auditorium with capacity for 600 people; we also have 45 small rooms located in the mezzanine of the halls and 2 catwalks.

At IFEMA MADRID we have a very clear objective, to be a place to connect. To connect interests, challenges, concerns, knowledge, hobbies and passions. To do this, we have been designing environments for 40 years in which people, companies and society meet and share interests and challenges.

Multifunctional and flexible

Located next to halls 9 and 10 in the North access, it has an area of 10,000 m2 and has a total of 20 rooms, 18 of which are located on the first floor. It is accessed via a large hall with natural light, whose size makes it the ideal space for exhibitions of 1800 m2 gross or 468 m2 net (space for stands) or to offer catering services during the event. The North Auditorium (N103 + N104 + stage) has capacity for 1,100 people. Rooms N101 + N102 and N105 + N106 are multifunctional. Separating panels allow events from 100 to 480 people to be hosted. The remaining 12 rooms (N107 to N118), with capacities of 70 to 200 people, can be combined in sets of two, allowing better adaptation to the needs of the event. On the second floor, the Colón and Neptuno rooms are also equipped with large outdoor terraces.

How to get to IFEMA Madrid? Please, click in the following link:


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